Friday, January 30, 2015

Dare To Be Happy...

While digging through the bookshelves in my room at school searching for who-knows-what, I re-discovered my copy of Don't Sweat The Small Stuff At Work by Richard Carlson.  

I'd written the date that I purchased it inside the front cover.  4/2000 it says, almost 15 years ago.  

I may have read some of it, most of it, or all of it, don't really remember!

I flipped it open to the first little passage, it's titled "Dare To Be Happy."

I read it, and it made a lot of sense to me. Without going into a major discourse on why it makes sense, I'll just reprint the last paragraph.

If you dare to be happy your life will change immediately. Your life and your work will take on greater significance and will be experienced as an extraordinary adventure. You'll be loved by others and, without a doubt, you'll be sweating the small stuff far less often at work. 
Solid advice, go ahead. I dare you.

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